Cara Cek Saldo BSU dan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan: Panduan Lengkap

Cara Cek Saldo BSU dan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan ➥CEK MASUKAN NO KTP Cara Cek Penerima Bantuan Subsidi Upah (BSU) di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Bantuan Subsidi Upah (BSU) adalah bantuan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah bagi pekerja/buruh berupa uang tunai sebesar Rp600 ribu yang diterima dalam satu tahap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup akibat kenaikan harga. Namun, untuk dapat menerima bantuan ini, ada beberapa syarat yang harus dipenuhi. Untuk verifikasi, peserta BPJS Ketenagakerjaan harus mengecek sesuai dengan Kriteria Permenaker RI Nomor 10 Tahun 2022. Syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi antara lain: Warga Negara Indonesia yang dibuktikan dengan Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK) Peserta aktif program jaminan sosial ketenagakerjaan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan sampai dengan 30 Juli 2022 kategori Pekerja Penerima Upah (PU) Menerima gaji/upah paling banyak Rp3.500.000 per bulan atau di bawah upah minimum Bukan penerima program kartu prakerja, keluarga harapan, atau bant Klik tombol "Cek Penerima BSU...

IRS Estimated Tax Payment Online - Maryland

IRS Estimated Tax Payment Online

irs estimated tax payment online - Maryland
irs estimated tax payment online - Maryland

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Who Should Make Estimated Tax Payments?
  3. When to Make Estimated Tax Payments
  4. How to Make Estimated Tax Payments Online
  5. Penalties for Not Making Estimated Tax Payments
  6. Conclusion


The IRS requires that individuals and businesses who expect to owe taxes of $1,000 or more in a given year make estimated tax payments. These payments can be made online using various methods such as IRS Direct Pay, electronic filing, and payment plans. In this article, we will discuss the requirements for making estimated tax payments, the steps for making payments online, and the penalties for not making estimated tax payments.

Who Should Make Estimated Tax Payments?

irs estimated tax payment online - Maryland
irs estimated tax payment online - Maryland

Individuals and businesses who expect to owe taxes of $1,000 or more in a given year are required to make estimated tax payments. This includes self-employed individuals, independent contractors, and those with additional income sources such as rental properties or investments.

When to Make Estimated Tax Payments

Estimated tax payments are typically made four times a year, on the following dates: April 15th June 15th September 15th January 15th of the following year

How to Make Estimated Tax Payments Online

Using IRS Direct Pay

Individuals can make estimated tax payments online using IRS Direct Pay. This service allows for payments to be made directly from a bank account and can be accessed through the IRS website.

Electronic Filing

Individuals can also make estimated tax payments by including them with their electronic tax filing. This can be done through software such as TurboTax or H&R Block or through the IRS e-file system.

Payment Plan

Individuals who cannot pay the full amount of their estimated taxes can set up a payment plan with the IRS. This can be done online through the IRS website or by calling the IRS toll-free number.

Penalties for Not Making Estimated Tax Payments

Individuals who do not make estimated tax payments may be subject to penalties and interest. The failure to pay penalty is typically 0.5% per month of the unpaid taxes, and interest is charged at the federal short-term rate plus 3%.


Making estimated tax payments is a legal requirement for individuals and businesses who expect to owe taxes of $1,000 or more in a given year. These payments can be made online using various methods such as IRS Direct Pay, electronic filing, and payment plans. It is important to stay on top of these payments to avoid penalties and interest from the IRS. If you are unsure about whether you need to make estimated tax payments or have questions about the process, it is best to consult with a tax professional or the IRS for guidance.


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